Off The Tools Academy™ Presents a...

STEP 2/3...


Convert more leads and Leverage Systems

To Make More Profit in Your Trades Business


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What You're Going To Learn...

Do you want a system to manage more leads and get more profit for your business?

Do you want to generate more sales... even if you don't have a massive marketing budget?

Do you want more clarity on how to grow your trades business by working smarter not harder?

Want a business that ultimately runs itself... not one that runs you!?

This is the Masterclass You've Been Looking For!

On this live training, we'll be sharing the exact plans and proven systems successful trades businesses are using right now to convert more leads and turn new inquiries into profitable long term customers!

Skip the theory... skip the ideas... skip the "nice-to-know" info...

Discover how to master lead management and implement the right systems to help you get more profit and free up your time to spend how you choose!

No Excuses, Let's Go!


Many trades businesses are struggling to get clarity right now on how to

get more leads, profit, grow...

Many more are worried about what 2021 might hold.

If you want more clarity and a winning strategy for converting more leads and implementing systems for success, join us for the Off The Tools Academy™

Lead Management Masterclass.


Register Now To Secure Your FREE Spot!

Just Click The Button Below!!


Don't hang about!

What are you waiting for?

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We will be confirming exact dates and details very soon, after you register!


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With our simple systems and processes for scaling, we’ve helped our clients:
  • Double their revenue in one year
  • ​Hit their annual revenue goals in 4 months 
  • ​Go from 2-40+ employees and double their monthly run rate
“When I started working with Alex I had just hit the million dollar mark and was trying to grow my team. Since starting to work with him, my revenue has doubled and my team has more than doubled. I’ve put systems and structure into my business that have allowed me to grow at a rapid speed without sacrificing my health and happiness.”
“We’ve had the full Charfen Cadence running now for 2 months. Hiring and scaling is so much easier. We have brought on 2 new key team members, launched a new course, done 50 real estate deals and have a run rate of $3M+. It’s amazing how fast the Charfen Cadence has allowed us to run.”

Before working with Alex, I felt out of control and like I was flying blind. Alex helped me lay the foundation for my company and work in my strengths. 

I now have the aligned team that I have always dreamed of and can take time off to be with my family. Since working with Alex, I have paid off or settled almost $2 million dollars in debt, my business has doubled and my net profit has grown by 150%. Working with Alex literally changed my life. You can actually make money and have a life. I tell every business owner that I meet that working with Alex is a must.

Alex has helped us go from 100K/mo in revenue to 1M/mo + in revenue. He is who he says he is, but has a demeanour that is humble and unassuming. He exudes empathy from every pore in his body.


He combines a deep genuine care for entrepreneurs with very tactical down to earth methods of self-care to propel the business (the extension of the entrepreneurs being) to new levels of achievement.

To call it "Magical" would be doing the content he provides a disservice. 

Alex was the first mentor I ever had who wasn’t only a master of entrepreneurship and business, but more importantly knew specifically what I needed to leverage MY SUCCESS.

He knew my concerns. He knew my strengths. He knew my team needs.

Alex understands at a holistic level the simple but critical components needed to make good entrepreneurs, AMAZINGLY SUCCESSFUL.

Alex has built 8 and 9 figure companies since his 20s, and consulted for the world’s greatest entrepreneurs. He became obsessed with how they achieved so much in their lives. His research led to founding the Entrepreneurial Personality Type (EPT) and helping tens of thousands of 6, 7, and 8-figure entrepreneurs use this information to grow and scale their business while building maximum sustainable momentum. From consulting for billionaires, the Fortune 500 and some of the most successful people in the world. 

Alex is the co-founder and CEO of CHARFEN, empowering entrepreneurs to grow and scale businesses and make their greatest contribution. An in-demand thought leader on business strategy and entrepreneurship, he regularly appears in major media outlets such as MSNBC, CNBC, FOX News, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Investor’s Business Daily to provide his unique views and insights.