The Three 's By Wayne Bettess

Any of these showing up in you Life?

  • Lacking clarity on what you actually want to achieve

  • Busy being busy 24/7

  • Wearing every hat in your business

  • Never saying NO

  • Working 12-15 hours a day

  • Dreading the phone ringing

  • Never present at home

  • Feeling tired all the time

  • Fed up of being let down

  • Feel alone and with no support

  • Lacking motivation


join Wayne Bettess on a 7 Day Transformation

Work with Wayne Bettess inside of His EXCLUSIVE, Focussed Environment, Engineered to ensure Consistency & focus on unlocking the Life & Business you desire


  • ​Exclusive; 'THE THREE B'S' Training in the 3 Key Areas to Building/Improving your Life & Business

  • ​Exclusive; 'World Class' Coaching from Wayne Bettess

  • ​NEW; 'NO EXCUSES FOCUS' daily planner PDF, so you can become powerfully Focussed on the task that matter and make huge leaps forward in your life

  • Exclusive; 'NO EXCUSES ACCOUNTABILITY' Support, Motivation & Guidance direct for Wayne Bettess

  • ​1 x FREE 'Kickstarter' Workbook to help you Elevate in all areas.

The Nuts & Bolts:

  • ​7 x Daily Videos across Body - Business - Balance
  • 7 x Habit Building Training
  • ​1 x Monday Motivation Live Session
  • 1 x Focus Friday Live Session
  • NO EXCUSES ACCOUNTABILITY - To ensure you are showing up and making shit happen


  • Bonus 1: 30 Min One To One With Wayne
  • Bonus 2: Exclusive "NO EXCUSES FOCUS" Daily Planner (PDF)
  • Bonus 3: ​1 x FREE 'Kickstarter' Workbook (PDF) to help you Elevate in all areas.

Are You Ready to Make Shit Happen?


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Don't Just Take my word for it...

We’re all striving to be happy and to achieve success in life. It can seem like a constant struggle, but it does not need to be this way! By focusing on three key areas of your life, you can have clarity and purpose, which breeds success and joy. So, let me tell you all about the Three B’s…

The Three B’s stand for:




The reason I focus on these three key areas is quite simple: they cover pretty much everything that we do as human beings! However, by grouping all of our activities into three groups, it means that we can focus our attention and efforts on growing in each section, which will enable us to thrive overall.

Every ‘B’ is connected; they impact one and other

I would have you consider that if you were to go all-in at your business, you would tend to start getting big results, but for the most, I bet you also start to notice cracks appearing in other parts of your life.

What would be the point of earning shed tons of money (ticking off the Business B) if, as a sacrifice, you got fat and unhealthy (Body B), or lost all connection with your family and friends? (Balance B)

Let’s spin the scenarios a bit! You now decide to go all-in with regard to your health, fitness, and well-being, the weight drops off, and you start to train more and more. You are feeling so much better about yourself! What would be the point of having amazing health and fitness (Body B) if you couldn’t afford to pay your bills (Business B) each month? Or, if you didn’t get to see your family and friends (Balance B) because you were always at the gym?

Hopefully, you get the picture of how these three elements are intertwined. For a lot of you, you will most likely be able to relate, as you may have experienced similar happening in your own life.

As a trades business coach, I have come across a lot of people who really struggle to find that equilibrium in their life. They’re either overdoing it at work or letting outside distractions get in the way of their business’ success.

This is why I created the Three B’s.

Focus your attention on all of the Three B’s

You must focus attention on all of The Three B areas of your life, otherwise, you will never:

Be content

Have clarity

Have purpose

Learn more about how The Three B’s can change your life

I want to dive in a bit deeper and share this methodology that I have fostered and adapted, which has come from years and years of painstaking struggles, dedication to personal and business growth, and some serious amounts of ££££££s!

Let’s be clear, I haven’t reinvented the wheel with this, it has come from a mix of sources like Wake Up Warrior (Garret J White ), Unstoppable (Paul Mort), and hundreds of books and audios I have read and listened to. But most importantly, it comes from trial and error in my own life... This is not something I just woke up and worked out; it has been in the creation for half a decade! Tweaked and iterated to ensure it is simple to understand, simple to implement, and most importantly, effective in driving huge game-changing results in all areas!

I use, what I now call the Three B’s as a major tool in my toolkit each and every day to ensure that I grow and improve across the board.

This is NOT a silver bullet. It will not help you unless YOU DECIDE to deploy it in your life. That’s right; it will not work unless you are 100% committed to making some changes! Let be frank, would you really be here reading this if you were content right now?

Who this won’t help:

Group A

Lazy f#ckers

Know it alls


Mr My Life is Perfect #bestlife

Negative mind suckers

Billy bullshitters

The list could go on and on and on, but you get the picture, right?

Who this will help:

Group B

Motivated and positive men

Open-minded, risk-taking blokes

Lacking clarity as to what needs to happen next kinda people

Honest, truthful, and hardworking Men

Blokes that feel they should be achieving much more

Men wanting to surround themselves with like-minded, go-getters & high achievers

Men hungry for success

People that are feeling a bit alone and isolated, with no-one to share the wins and losses with

So, I have a question for you right now...

What camp are you in?

If you are in camp A, I would like to say, thank you for your time and attention. I’m grateful and wish you all the best, my friend... But, I’m not willing to work with you right now. I can not bring you into the program I offer, as you will not be the right fit just now.

If you are in camp B, then why the hell are you still reading this?? You should have signed up by now!

You should have decided way back up this page to take this very small but calculated risk and jump into something that I will personally guarantee will bring you results if YOU apply it effectively and consistently.

That’s right; I will personally refund you the entire cost of the program if after the 30 days you feel it hasn’t helped or left you with the knowledge that will assist you in your life.

That’s it; I’m not writing any more to convince you... the choice is simple...

Stay as I am


Change shit up

Join me, Wayne Bettess from Off The Tools, now, and let’s start achieving a more successful and happier future together!

Who is Wayne Bettess?

Daddy, Husband, Serial Entrepreneur, Podcast Host & World Class Trades Business Coach

Wayne Bettess, like so many before him, has had some great times and some, well, not so great times. Wayne had to rebuild his life and businesses when he was just 26 years old after losing his two businesses.

He became obsessed with improving his Mindset, Beliefs, Knowledge & skills and most importantly took action and has rebuilt his life and business from the ground up.

As a Trades Business Coach, Wayne pulls no punches. He is a passionate and focused on facilitating & supporting others to achieve bigger in all they do.


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